Ottawa Process Serving and the General Public
MCA Process Service has been serving court documents for 24 years. Locally, we are one of the few Ottawa Process Serving companies that assist unrepresented parties (the general public) with the serving of court documents. While we cannot help everyone, we will take the time to discuss your needs and our availability to help.
Do you serve documents on behalf of the General Public?
As an Ottawa Process Serving company, our office has always served documents on behalf of unrepresented parties. We feel that it is essential to offer such assistance wherever possible. In many cases, we take extra time to help the unrepresented parties understand the service process. They need to be aware of how we do our work. We also take the time to explain how to serve a document as well as help individuals understand timelines. It is our understanding that many of our local process servers are in Ottawa, Ontario, not taking work for unrepresented parties.
How long does it take to serve a document?
The question about how long it takes to serve a document is an interesting one. It is generally the first question asked, followed by how much it will cost. Unfortunately, there is no set and simple answer as it relates to how long the service might take. We have found that each file has a life of its own. It typically boils down to the circumstances surrounding each service.
On average, it takes one to three attempts to effect service upon an individual at a residential address. It is not uncommon for a document to be delivered quickly. It is equally not unusual for something to take a week to ten days and sometimes longer. The ability to effect a service swiftly can come down to the information provided before the service attempts start.
What are things to consider when requesting an Ottawa process server to serve documents on your behalf?
Over the years, we have found that being provided detailed yet brief information can be helpful. We request information to be in memo format and that it accompany the documents. For example, if you know when an individual might be home, that is useful information. Although we might not attempt only during those times, it can be a helpful guideline. Are there photos of the individual? If so, please provide. These can be useful, especially if someone is trying to avoid service. Having a photo at the time service is being attempted can be the difference of effecting a service or having to re-attend, especially if the individual is trying to avoid the service. Having to make multiple attempts can become problematic. Are there phone numbers? Having residential and cell numbers can also be useful to facilitate an efficient service of the documents. Is the individual aware that there are court documents? Might the respondent be agreeable to be called to arrange service? This information can assist when serving documents.
Status updates for services in progress
Once our office has received documents for service, we will confirm receipt. The papers get prepared for service and then directed out for delivery. Once served, an update provided. Should we experience an issue, we will advise. If regular updates are essential for you, we must be transparent in informing that we are not the correct process server for you. Once the documents get served, we will provide an electronic invoice. The payment is required before we will release the affidavit of service. The most economical method of payment being an e-transfer to this e-mail address: info@mcaprocessservice.com. The affidavit of service will follow first electronically with the original to follow by letter mail.
How much does it cost to serve a document?
At MCA Process Service, we believe that it is imperative to be fully transparent. We have taken the liberty of clearly posting our fees on our website. For routine service, the service fee is $75.00 to serve one party at a specific address. If we are serving more than one party at the same residential address, there is a fee of $15.00 for each additional party. If mileage is applicable, it is a one-time return mileage fee billed at $0.55 / km for up to three attempts. If, after three attempts, we are not successful, we will seek instruction, and higher mileage fees might apply. We use Google Maps to determine return mileage. The point of reference being 161 Elgin Street, Ottawa, Ontario. If a party is served alternative to personal service, as provided by the Court Rules, there is a $5.00 charge to mail the second set of documents. For any printing costs, there is a print cost billed at $0.25 / page, and the return postage to send the affidavit of service back starts at $2.50. The return postage fee is depending upon weight. Our prices are subject to 13% HST.
Can MCA Process Service help me serve my documents?
Our office will happily discuss your situation and service requirements. While we have found that we cannot help everyone, we will make the best efforts if we can assist.
Feel free to reach out to our office. We will happily discuss what documents are to get served. Reach out to us in the format of your choosing either by e-mail at info@mcaprocessservice.com or telephone at 613—791-4954. Our general response time is up to one business day.